An alternative to a typical individual health insurance policy is a short term medical policy. A short term medical policy is an affordable option if you have lost coverage through your job or you are a recent student or graduate no longer eligible for coverage. A short term medical policy does not satisfy the Affordable Care Act requirement of minimum essential coverage to avoid a tax penalty. Short-term health insurance plans provide you with coverage for a limited period of time, and issued for a “specified” period of time. In 2016 legislation limited the maximum short term policy time period to 3 months. The application process for short-term health insurance is usually quite simplified. Short-term health insurance plans are designed to protect against unforeseen accidents or illnesses, rather than to provide comprehensive coverage, and, as such, typically do not include coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, preventive care, physicals, immunizations, dental or vision care. Please contact us for a short term policy quote.